On the productive and restful seasons in our year.
An unfurling thought about how there are naturally seasons of high productivity and seasons of lower productivity on our year, and how we can put systems in place to get us through the seasons of lower productivity.[00:00:00] You are listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? You know how there are phases in your day, times in the day when you have a lot of energy and you think really well, and times in your day when you are low energy and can't think so well or can't do certain types of tasks, or at least not do them as well.
[00:00:40] Well, I have started thinking, arriving at sort of a theory for myself here. I believe that I, and probably lots of other people have those phases in the year as well. I'm gonna call them seasons because [00:01:00] that makes a lot of sense. I think there are seasons of high creativity, high willpower, high motivation, and the seasons where rest is needed and we don't have high motivation and high will power and
[00:01:22] if we recognize what those seasons are and when they occur, then we can plan for them, so that we're able to do the things that we wanna do with our year, with our days, with our lives, even when our season doesn't allow for that to just happen without effort. You know? For example, because of our culture and the kind of world we live in, I think most of us could probably agree the first month or maybe the first few months of the [00:02:00] year of the new year is a season of transformation or at least a desire for transformation.
[00:02:11] It's a season where we are energized to try new things, to do better, but then it's a season, so it inevitably does change. Our regular habits, they kick in and you know, as the joke goes, the gyms start to empty again, because people whowere inspired to go to the gym in the first month or so, are, you know, caught up in their regular lives that haven't really changed and now there's no real reason for them to go to the gym.
[00:02:52] They may want to, but their lives aren't set up in such a way that allows them to make that choice easily, [00:03:00] you know, this is all about the environment, which we talked about in a previous episode, so I'm thinking, when we are in the season of productivity, of transformation, of high creativity and lots of – an abundance, in fact – of willpower, we should not only try to do the things that we wanna do, but also change our habits or try to change our habits or our environment.
[00:03:34] Do the things that we need to do so that when this season of high willpower and motivation goes away, we are still able to easily keep up with the choices that we have made, do that gym habit, you know, go to the gym even though, we may not want to as much anymore, what can we do in our environment or in [00:04:00] our lives that will help us go to the gym even when we don't want to?
[00:04:05] What can we do so that we keep creating the thing that we wanna create? Or in my case, very specifically, how can I keep creating this podcast even though there will be times when I don't want to, and I know right now thinking back, I can guess when that might happen. So what can I do now? What can I change or what can I figure out?
[00:04:30] What systems can I put in place so that I can keep creating this podcast even when the motivation is not high and it's no longer this new and exciting thing? Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.