Do The thing.
I've been productively procrastinating. Do you do that? Well, this is a tiny kick in the butt to not do so, and go do The thing.[00:00:00] You're listening to The Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? I have a lot of ideas. We have covered this in a previous podcast episode, but today I wanna talk about how sometimes even just having a lot of ideas can burn you out.
[00:00:29] Sometimes when you have a lot of ideas, you find yourself starting all kinds of new things all the time, and eventually that can burn you out because I don't know, I guess you become mentally tired of starting all these things and never seeing the end, you know, and never seeing the finish line, and that can be really harmful.
[00:00:57] So as I [00:01:00] look at my calendar and my list of ideas this year, I'm thinking about how I can choose a good idea to act on and work on that and not overwhelm myself by trying to do too many things. Because ultimately when you try to do too many things, sometimes you end up doing nothing, uou know? You have all this work that you might have put in, and in the end you don't have anything to show for it because nothing is actually complete.
[00:01:32] That has happened to me quite a lot of times in my life, and sometimes I wonder if I'm not always in constant danger of finding myself in that same position because I am a, you know, excitable, passionate person who cares a lot and wants to do all these gazillion things all the time, it's the entrepreneurial bug, and I've had it since I was 15 years old and I sold my first greeting [00:02:00] card at a community [00:02:00] bazaar.
[00:02:06] But if I wanna succeed, if we wanna succeed, we can't do every single thing. We can do anything, but we can't do everything. I heard that in a movie once, or was it a show? I can't remember, but that makes sense, right? You can do anything but not everything. And I mean, you can't really do everything, but you can do many things, but not all the things.
[00:02:37] So I am trying to figure out what to focus on this year. I have this podcast, which I love and I wanna keep continuing. I love talking about – it's almost like a mini self pep talk, which I hope also helps other people as a pep talk, you know, because I do it in the morning and [00:03:00] sometimes in the night. It is generally just a way for me to orient my own thinking.
[00:03:09] And aside from this, I'm trying to figure out what else I wanna really do this year. I have some ideas that are part of a longer list of ideas and mentally, like conceptually, I know what I wanna focus on, but then in the day-to-day I can get so easily distracted by other things that are maybe easier to start.
[00:03:32] It's a way of procrastination, I guess. You know, I procrastinate on the thing I wanna do that I think is gonna have the most impact by doing another thing that is also really cool but is easier to do and it's like very productive procrastination, and I think we're all a little bit guilty of it. So I guess this episode that I'm recording here is sort of [00:04:00] a self gentle or maybe not so gentle kick in the butt to stop procrastinating in a productive manner and do The thing, The with a capital T.
[00:04:13] The thing, the thing that you really want to get done, the thing that you think is gonna provide the most impact or is the thing that you really think you would wanna stand behind, stop procrastinating on it and do that thing, not this other thing that is super cool and is a great idea. But the other thing that feels hard because good things
[00:04:41] Are hard to do, you know? Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.