Asking doesn't guarantee receiving.
[00:00:00] You're listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? So I wanna start this episode off by describing a classic romantic situation. You have a couple, and in that couple there is person A and Person B. Person A has a birthday coming up and they've been dropping hints about some gift that they want, okay?
[00:00:36] But they never directly ask for it. Why? Because if person B were to do it and get them that gift without person A, having to say something that demonstrates a specific and deep knowledge of person A, and that is romanitc and I'm not denying that. It is romantic [00:01:00] when the person you love, the person that you are choosing to spend your life with, knows you so well that they can get you something without you having to say anything.
[00:01:12] At least not directly. However, I think that a lot of people equate knowing someone with love [a little too much]. You can demonstrate love without demonstrating a deep knowledge of someone in that particular way. Why? Because asking does not guarantee receiving. Just because you ask for something doesn't mean you will get it.
[00:01:42] However, if person B gives person A the thing that person A asked for, that is a demonstration of love, of carem of like trust, you know, that says, Hey, what you [00:02:00] want is of value to me, and I want you to feel taken care of. It can be taken in a lot of different ways, but this was maybe a hard lesson for me to learn in my life.
[00:02:13] Something that I learned through practical experience, and I think it's like one of those subconscious things that you have to unlearn after watching a bunch of like movies. But what I wanna say is that this applies in a lot more situations outside of just the romantic. It even applies at work. You will not get something, you have absolutely no chance of getting something if you don't ask for it.
[00:02:41] Yes, sometimes some things will fall into a lap, maybe. But do you really want to live your life waiting for things to happen to you? No. You want to be in control of what you want happening in your life. You know, you wanna take charge of your life, [00:03:00] and that means asking for what you want. Now, is there a way, is there a polite way, an appropriate way, an appropriate time to ask for what you want?
[00:03:11] Yes. Absolutely. The permission to ask for what you want is not permission to be a jerk or to be inappropriate or to, you know, do something bad. But sometimes we're waiting for people at work, in our life, you know, to do something for us that we want them to do. But people aren't mind readers. You're not a mind reader, right?
[00:03:39] They don't know that you want this. So maybe just tell them. Maybe ask them the thing you wanna know or ask them about the thing you want to have and have a conversation. And if you end up getting what you want or are given a path that you can follow to get what you want, [00:04:00] that demonstrates value. That is still something pretty damn awesome.
[00:04:05] You know, if your boss gives you the information that you asked for. That means that your boss trusts you enough and values your opinion enough to give you that information. Just because you asked for it doesn't mean your boss has to tell you. So that's kind of what I've been thinking about today and I just, you know, even in my own life, that's something I learned to see correctly, that asking doesn't guarantee receiving.
[00:04:41] And if you get what you want, that's pretty awesome too.
[00:04:48] Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.