The inevitable block you hit with any habit eventually.
[00:00:00] You are listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? You are listening to the 43rd episode of The Daily Five with Aurooba. Wow. Once again, I cannot believe I'm recording the 43rd episode in so many days. I truly did not think I would get here, which is why when I first came up with the idea for this podcast, I planned about 35 ideas.
[00:00:41] That's what I had written down, and there was a small part of me that I wasn't even sure, you know, I wasn't even sure that I would get to 35 days, and here I am sitting at 43, so that seems like a pretty major accomplishment to me. But the goal is to get to the year: [00:01:00] 365 days. So I'm reaching that sort of inevitable point in a creative habit, in any habit, but especially in a creative one where you start to hit a kind of block.
[00:01:14] You know, all of those initial ideas have kind of run out, and now I have to work to find more: new angles, new ideas. So that is what's on my mind today. So I thought I would talk about it on the episode. I'm planning on setting aside an hour today to think about the different other things, other aspects that I can focus on during this year, not only in my life, but also then in those episodes.
[00:01:44] In these episodes rather. And you know, I've covered how to get started and how to kind of manage your time in the beginning and your motivation and your energies in 42 different ways in the last [00:02:00] 42 days. And I'm sure there's a lot more to talk about on the topic, but I also don't wanna be repetitive.
[00:02:10] TOO repetitive. I am repetitive, but not too repetitive. So I want to think about other things, other challenges that happen in a creative life, in the remote life, in the entrepreneurial life, you know, in work life. These are the topics that I think about and cover on this [these] episode[s]. I wanna think about what those challenges are and talk about those a little bit.
[00:02:37] because for me, you know, I talk about the things that are on my mind. So if it's on my mind, I'll talk about it. If I wanna talk about it, it's gotta be on my mind. It's a cycle, and the primary goal of this podcast is to generate ideas and to give myself momentum so that I can take that momentum into my day.[00:03:00]
[00:03:00] The secondary idea, the secondary goal of this podcast is to be useful, maybe a touch motivational, and you know, hopefully a little bit interesting for the folks who listen. Sometimes I have conversations with the people who are listening, and that is, you know, it's very gratifying. It's fun to see and hear other people's perspective on the topic that I'd covered.
[00:03:25] While I talk about it very briefly, sometimes it turns into a more interesting conversation with another person who listened. And I enjoy that, and if you have some ideas on what you would like me to cover or things that you have been thinking about, I would love to hear from you because maybe it'll get me thinking too. And, um, this is not a uncommon problem.
[00:03:50] You know, everyone hits this. In the book, the Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp, she talks about this and yeah, sometimes [00:04:00] nothing good comes out of the day. But the important thing isn't the one day because we're not looking at a burst of creativity here. We are pushing our creativity forward every single day in some way.
[00:04:15] So it is the quantity that matters, not the, not the quality of any particular individual, um, act of the habit, in my case, any one particular day. But that being said, obviously I want every day will be interesting. And while they are imperfect episodes, I hope that they help me and help you throughout your day as you listen.
[00:04:43] So on to the next many. Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.