Some days are harder than others.

Some days are harder than others.

[00:00:00] You are listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we?

[00:00:16] I am not sure I have five minutes of talking in me today, at least not about something super useful or something with a lesson in it anyway, it's been a long day in a long week, so I'm just gonna tell you about my day today. So feel free to skip this one if it's not your vibe. What did I do today? A variety of things.

[00:00:44] I started the day by accidentally sleeping in and then being mad at myself or sleeping in, even though clearly my body needed it. I felt lethargic and had a hard time convincing myself to get out of my super warm bed, but eventually I hauled myself out. I had a number of calls today, so I couldn't really work in my super comfortable blanket hoodie, so I put on, you know, regular people clothes.

[00:01:13] Then I skipped yoga because again, it was a low energy morning and I was having a tough time with everything. Although in hindsight, if I had done yoga, it might have actually helped, so maybe there's a lesson in there somewhere. Definitely. Then I coded some animation stuff for a project I'm working on right now, and then I found myself in a bunch of long calls that went way past their allotted time.

[00:01:42] This is not surprising. Tuesdays and Thursdays are heavy call days for me and they tend to leave me exhausted in some capacity, whether that's mentally or emotionally or everything-ly. I sort of coded between the calls and then when I came time to wrap up my day, I escaped my office as fast as I could. I have been spending a lot of time in here and I really just needed to take a break.

[00:02:11] And of course somewhere in there I ate some food and a Boston Cream donut my spouse got me. Thanks, spouse. At some point I went and danced. We've covered this before, but often the solution is movement. And if I can't leave the house, for me, that usually means going into one of the rooms in my house, closing the door, putting in my headphones and dancing to whatever song is stuck in my head.

[00:02:38] Then I spent some time with my spouse. As always, I was reminded of just how awesome he is and how lucky I am to have him in my life. He makes me feel better. And then eventually I grabbed my computer and decided to code some more because I have this other project that I'm also working on that needs to have some progress.

[00:03:01] And I decided to code in my family room so that I could be close to my spouse who was hanging out and gaming there. And you know, we would sometimes talk and do something together in my breaks or his breaks. And it was nice. I also got like a good chunk of code done too, so that was really good, and then when I realized that I'm tired and I wanna go to sleep, I remembered that I still have to record my podcast.

[00:03:35] I don't usually leave it to the very last thing, but it has been the very last thing this week, almost every day. But you know, regardless of when I do it, I do do it. So I got out of my super comfy sofa, got up from it rather, and came upstairs and docked my computer. And here I am recording this podcast because you know it's been 74 days folks and I am not about to give up now. Some days are hard.

[00:04:16] Some days are easy and sometimes you just have to show up because it's better when you do, rather than skipping a day. And I realize I'm saying this as I already told you that I skipped yoga today, but I could skip that, but I didn't wanna skip this, and that's okay by me. It's still a kind of a win.

[00:04:45] Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.