The system will get you there

The system will get you there


Goals are important, but it's the systems you should focus on.

[00:00:00] You are listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? So it's the new year, you know, it's January, things are feeling fresh. We are seeing a bunch of annual reviews come. and people are thinking about their goals for the new year.

[00:00:31] And obviously I'm doing the same, and I think that is awesome, but I think it's worth remembering and maybe reminding ourselves that the goal is a momentary result that we want to achieve at the end of the year. Right, or by the end of the year , and that is a great way [00:01:00] to set a direction, you know, it's a destination and we've pointed ourselves, but how we're gonna get there is gonna be far more important.

[00:01:13] And the way we're gonna get there is by developing a system and using that as our metric for success rather than the actual goal. So let's say that it is my goal to record this podcast and have 365 episodes by the end of this year. That's a great goal, but that's not a system. That's not how I'm gonna get there.

[00:01:51] There is nothing in this goal that tells me what I need to do to get there. I have to decide how that's gonna [00:02:00] happen and that how is far more important in the moment than whatever this long-term goal is, right? So in my case, my system is that I am going to wake up every single day. I do yoga every morning, and after yoga, I am gonna sit down at my computer

[00:02:19] and I'm going to open up my template in ScreenFlow and hit record for 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and then I'm gonna publish. That is the system. So my metric for success is, did I do that today? Did I wake up, do yoga and then sit down in front of my computer and hit record and publish? Because I've decided that the way I'm gonna hit that goal of mine is to record something every single day and then schedule it for the next day.

[00:02:55] And as long as I'm doing that, I will [00:03:00] automatically hit my goal. But if I don't do that daily system that I've set up for myself, Then I won't hit it. I won't hit it by the end of the year, right? So even though goals are important, it's far more important that we design and think through a regular system that we can sort of go through and assess ourselves by, in a moment to moment time like currently.

[00:03:35] You know, it's really easy to say, oh yeah, you know, I wanna do this and I'm gonna get there. But in the moment, that seems really far away and it's really lofty and we need something smaller. We need to break that goal down into something we can do now. Something that is actionable right now, and in my case that is, did I hit record today?

[00:03:59] [00:04:00] Your goal may not be something that you have to do something daily for, but if that is, let's say you wanna do 52 episodes, that's an episode a week in a way, then you should probably decide when you're going to record every single week. And did you do that, that day that you decided on every single week?

[00:04:21] Right? Setting up that system is gonna be far more important to hitting your goal than the actual goal itself, the goal is great to start with, but the goal is not how you get there. So for the goals you've created this year, what is the system that is gonna get you there? That's the question you should ask yourself.

[00:04:45] Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.