The vision isn’t set in stone
[00:00:00] **Aurooba Ahmed:** Well hello, this is The Daily Five with Aurooba, that's me. Where we reflect on creating our best lives a little bit every day. Here we go.
[00:00:15] Today is a really short one, I think. We've had a few long ones recently, so today is a bit shorter. Although, I can't say if it's on the sweet side or not.
[00:00:28] When you have goals and things you want to achieve, you create a vision of what it'll look like when you hit that goal or get that result. You have a vision, right?
[00:00:37] Every single time you can usually imagine it. Sometimes it might be even a fantasy that you go over again and again and again. I've been there. It's okay. And I think one of the fallacies we often fall into that stop us from achieving our goals over the long term is this implicit idea that your vision is set in stone. That it's that version of the vision you are looking to achieve. And anything but that is tantamount to some level of failure. It sounds a little ridiculous when you say it out loud, this is true, but if you think about it, you'll find that yes, sometimes implicitly you actually do this. You actually do.
[00:01:20] But, you know, your goals are things you often haven't done before or haven't done to that level, they are goals because the path to get there is often a little unclear, a little unknown. So, if the path itself is unclear and unknown, how could you definitively know that the, what that end result, final vision will be?
[00:01:41] Well, the answer is you kind of don't. You have some guesses, maybe some understanding based on how it looks on other people, but you really don't know. As you walk the path, as you get closer to your goal, your vision adjusts. You learn more and you fill in the details you didn't even know were missing, until the final picture looks like something else entirely sometimes.
[00:02:09] The vision is not set in stone. It can't be. The vision is a living, breathing artifact of your journey and understanding as you embark on making a goal happen. So come back to your vision week after week, which is another way of saying come back to your goals week after week. Adjust it week after week based on the new information you have.
[00:02:34] Your vision will change, and that's actually good. Your vision will evolve. You will keep revising it, and it will be better for it. And, ultimately, so will you.
[00:02:52] Thanks for listening. Same time tomorrow?