Day 30 is the time to reflect, systemize, and make a plan for your new routine.
A half celebratory and half forward-focussed thought on how to carry on after Day 30 of a new habit or routine.[00:00:00] You are listening to the Daily Five, an experimental podcast by Aurooba, where I talk about something for five minutes. So let's get to it, shall we? You are listening to the 30th episode of The Daily Five with Aurooba. Wow. A part of me did not think I would get here. Why? Because, look, as we approach day 30 of a new habit or new routine, the amount of willpower we have for new things is starting to run out.
[00:00:42] For the first 30 or so days, you can usually do new stuff by the sheer force of your willpower, but after that, your old habits, your old routines, your old desires start to reassert themselves, because as our [00:01:00] willpower runs out, so does our motivation and it becomes harder to do the things, these new thingsm that we want to do, which is why every few days for the last 30 episodes, I have talked about time management, energy management, systems, all these things that we need to put in place if we want to carry our habits or new routines
[00:01:27] past the day 30 mark. So if you have been trying something new, like me, and you are at day 30 or approaching day 30, this is the time to reflect, to sit down, reevaluate. Is this something you still wanna continue doing? Is this something you have liked doing? What days in the last 30 days was it the hardest to do this new thing, this new routine, and why [00:02:00] was it hard?
[00:02:01] What can you do to make sure it's not a blocker going forward? Because now if you don't already have a system, you must put one in place. Your willpower is basically gone. And when willpower goes away and systems are non-existent, we revert to our old habits and routines. I have failed in this way so many times and I do not wanna fail this time.
[00:02:30] I have thought long and hard with this podcast. It's why I have templates. It's why I created the workflow, which I also recorded on YouTube, if you wanna check that out and are curious. It's why I am determined to do this as the first thing on most mornings, if not every morning. It is why I have made sure that it's only a five minute episode because I want it to be fast and quick to build that [00:03:00] momentum. Systems.
[00:03:03] They're so important if we wanna keep this going. So look back, reflect. Take a half hour or maybe an hour, sit down and make a plan. Make a plan that is easy for you to follow. That can flow into your day naturally. That's maybe something I haven't talked about yet, but it's so crucial. If you can't make your new things fit in seamlessly or almost seamlessly into your day, it is very hard to act on them.
[00:03:36] Yes. Your new routines and new habits are not going to feel second nature at first, but we still need them to feel logical and at least a little bit natural within our day if we want to have any hope of being able to do it consistently, regularly, throughout our days going forward. I want 2023 to be awesome [00:04:00] for myself and for you, and that's why I think –
[00:04:06] I think this is the theme of this podcast. It is basically this self-pep talk, a pep talk for you, a pep talk for me, to help us keep doing the thing that we wanna do, to figure out our goals, to remember them, to be mindful of them, to keep them in front of us and keep making this new thing happen until one day we find that it is in fact second nature, and we look back and
[00:04:35] We see, wow: look at what we have created. So here is to Day 30, everyone. Thanks for listening. Talk to you tomorrow.